Pentecost 16 2005
Exodus 12.1-14, Psalm 149, Romans 13.1-10, Matthew 18.10-20.
Today’s Gospel reading is scary, isn’t it?
I mean, readings about judgment and death and all that sort of stuff just don’t hold a candle to this one.
What do I mean?
Well, in today’s Gospel readings, Jesus is talking about how to confront people.
Confrontation. That’s the scary bit. The thought of having to confront someone causes more anxiety than just about anything else. People stay awake all night dreading a looming confrontation. People stop talking to each other to avoid having a confrontation. People will pretend another person doesn’t exist, they will move states, move countries even. Fear and anxiety about a much needed confrontation splits up marriages and families. People will allow a relationship to go down the plughole rather than be honest.
It’s the little things, isn’t it? Things that others say, things they do, that harm us in some way, that change us for the worse. If we fear confrontation, then the issues is never resolved. It becomes a grudge. It becomes something that drives us. It grows and grows, until we forget the reason for the grudge, it becomes ingrained, it becomes part of us, as we replace the anxiety with self-righteousness, stubbornness and plain pig-headedness. Not a nice situation.
Confrontation is hard. Each one of us handles it differently. I’m afraid I’m an avoider, and I suspect many others are. The issue itself, the sadness about it, the anger, all builds up until like a release valve on a steam engine, or to be more contemporary, a waste-gate on a turbo charger, it comes gushing out in an explosive release. Any one in the way of it will get burned. So in the end, nothing is resolved, and in fact it is made worse by the fact that the outburst was not driven by a sense of wanting to be reconciled, a sense of love, but by a long time of rising bitterness.
Another way is to not tackle the problem, to leave and avoid the issue. This is a killer of community and a killer of families. Church communities break up because of something that happens or doesn’t happen and no one has the guts to do something about it in a loving way. People leave parishes, even priests leave parishes rather than speaking up about something that troubles them, rather than attempting to address the issue. It’s not a good way to be. And can spark some interesting games at times.
Game playing is not nice. Game playing is often used instead of confrontation. Game playing is destructive and dishonest. It becomes a form of manipulation, of covert bullying.
There is more blatant bullying. For some people it is easy to say what they don’t like. However, it is difficult to say it in a way that is loving. It becomes insulting. This is also a sign of fear, even though it comes across as aggression and bullying. Bullying behaviour is based on fear – the bully is usually frightened, and cover for it by frightening others. It is not honest at all, it says nothing about how they really feel, and pretty much slams the door on any chance of reconciliation. The fear is so great that the chance for healing of the relationship is lost. This sort of stuff has also been known to fracture and split families and communities, even church communities.
But as they say, it takes two to tango. I’m not sure I have the confidence tgo stand up to any of these behaviours, and I’m sure I’m not alone. This sort of stuff goes on until someone challenges it in a loving way and gradually the behaviour ceases, hopefully. This is the thing with what Jesus is saying, that there is a mutual responsibility to seek reconciliation. The person who is sinned against is to go and talk with the other person to try to work it out. Jesus is actually encouraging us to confront, but confront in a way that is loving and holds some hope of actually getting somewhere. Jesus says to speak to the other person and point out the issue, in private. He is telling us to be honest, to actually name the issue to the person concerned and invite dialogue. We cannot make others change, we can only say how we feel and hope that they respond, and this is the very opportunity that is offered. If it does not work, then there are other steps that can be taken to attempt reconciliation. And attempt it we must, even though often a true reconciliation will have to involve some confrontation.
As Christians we are called to be people of reconciliation. It’s unfortunate then that even in the church we often have conflict. I guess that’s bound to happen whenever there are human beings involved. Paul writes about trying to avoid breaks in relationships with others and with God, living in love. But inevitably these problems happen, so when they do, we have these words from Jesus to help resolve the conflict, setting up a process to work towards reconciliation. So perhaps it’s in this that we can find a way of making confrontation less scary.
The thing with this process is that it is done with the goal being reconciliation. It’s not done to exact vengeance, to take away honour or to hurt in some way, which is what happens so often with confrontation. It is a process which, if both parties allow it to happen, can lead to a peaceful resolution. As I said earlier, it takes two to tango, so it needs both parties to be willing to operate within it and to be loving and honest in the process. Often when we are confronted we resort to particular behaviours ourselves, defensiveness, or anger, or denial. We need to listen and be honest about our responses, seeking to examine ourselves to see if there is truth in what is being said, and to work towards a suitable resolution. Not ignore and go and gossip about it, nor blow up, nor use any other game playing that deflects the criticism and makes it so we don’t have to deal with it, so we don’t have to consider it seriously. Listen. And consider.
This is the central point. Listen. If we listen to each other and properly hear each other’s concerns, we will be a lot better off as a community. If we speak of our own concerns appropriately in ways that are loving and honest then we give others a better chance to hear those concerns and open the door for reconciliation. If we say nothing, or react badly, then we are closing the door on reconciliation. Imagine if God our Father had done that to us, closed the door and punished us, instead of listening to us?
We accept that grace from God that is offered to us. How about offering it and accepting it from each other? How about not letting things escalate until relationships are fractured forever? How about saying something about what bothers you in a loving and peaceful way? How about listening to each other without reaction? Jesus would.
The Lord be with you.
Pentecost 15 2005
Exodus 1.8-2.10, Psalm 124, Romans 12.1-8, Matthew 16.13-20
If any want to become my disciples, let them deny themselves and take up the cross and follow me.
I don’t know whether it kills the body, apathy, maybe in the sense that we aren’t real good at getting off our butts to do anything it could, but its more a killer of the soul.
We watch those so-called current affair programs – Today Tonight, A Current Affair, and get our prejudices deep fried and ready-wrapped with a side order of self righteousness and paranoia. They tells us that we’re ok, and it’s those young dole bludging single mothers and those awful Moslems who are the cause of all the trouble in the world today. It makes us feel better about our carefree life on the couch, consuming. We let the tv channels do the agitating, we let them form our opinions for us, we subscribe to the world view they want us to have. They feed us this diet of moral garbage and we don’t even need to chew it – it is pre-masticated. Baby food. And we swallow it whole.
So then, this is a happy start to a sermon for a baptism isn’t it? I apologise a little bit, but I really wanted to get your attention and get you all thinking about what our role as Christians in the world is. Obviously when we are baptised we become part of the family of Jesus Christ, we become members of the church and we become heirs of the
John Mellenkamp. Anyone heard of him? He’s a singer. First he called himself Johnny Cougar, and then it was John Cougar, then John Cougar Mellenkamp as he began to reclaim his birth name, and then finally John Mellenkamp. God knows what will be next. Anyway, he wrote a song about making a difference. Actually he wrote a few, but this one in particular has a line in it that always sticks in my mind. It goes “Stand up for something, or your gonna fall for anything”. I think that was pretty much the chorus. It’s a great line. It’s about having an opinion and doing something about it. It’s about being passionate about a cause and helping out. That’s how things happen, that’s how social justice occurs, that’s how change occurs. Has anyone heard of William Wilberforce? What is he famous for? He is famous for his tireless work for the abolition of slavery. He was a man who felt called to serve God and the Kingdom in politics, and it was in that arena that his beliefs drove him to work for social justice, in areas like education for all people, overseas mission, parliamentary reform, and religious liberty, as well as every year for 18 years raising a motion to abolish slavery. In this matter he was finally successful 4 days before his death in July 1883. He was a man who followed the example of Jesus, giving his life for the pursuit of a greater good for all humanity, not his own personal agenda of the acquisition of wealth and power. He stood up and made a difference, devoted his life to it. He was patient and he perservered because he believed.
Wilberforce’s example for the way to live his life was of course Jesus. So then, what was Jesus like. Meek and Mild? I doubt it. Gentle, compassionate, empathic – yes. Meek – NO! Mild – NO!
Jesus was an agitator. That’s the main reason he died. The powers that be don’t like agitators. Agitators are trouble makers. They can be dangerous, especially if they go around telling the truth. Jesus, in his work and his words, made a difference. He made a difference in terms of humanity’s relationship with God, but let’s set that aside for just a minute. Jesus made a difference in terms of His relationships and actions during His life. He befriended the friendless. He ate with the unclean. He touched the untouchable. He healed the sick. He liberated those held under the bondage of a legalistic interpretation of the Law, he set them free. He pointed out the hypocrisy of the rulers and law interpreters. He showed that the
Essentially what I want to say this morning is this - Please make a difference in the world. This is what we are called to do as the baptised members of the family of Jesus Christ. (This is what I implore you, the parents and godparents of Kane, to do – to help raise Kane to be someone who will strive to make a difference, who will question and investigate, who will speak up when it is warranted,who will be compassionate, caring, assertive and always seeking justice. This is vitally important. Our nation, our world, depends on people like that.) Its not always easy – Jesus did say to the disciples that those seeking to follow him must take up their cross. This implies a hard road, a journey that will be difficult, a journey that may mean self sacrifice, but ultimately a journey that will benefit others, as well as being self-fulfilling. It’s a journey that has as its destination something that lies beyond our mortal existence, a journey that actually has some meaning, that actually goes somewhere. It’s a journey that benefits the many, not just the one. It’s a journey of love.
Get off the couch. Make a stand for something. Change the world, change yourself.
The Lord be with you.
Pentecost 12. Jealousy and Envy.
Genesis 37.1-4,12-28,
Sibling rivalry.
Its great fun, isn’t it?
Anyone with siblings will know about it.
Anyone with Children will know about it.
Sometimes it goes on for years. I know of elderly people who are still resentful of siblings, and don’t talk to them.
Usually at the heart of it is jealousy and envy.
Well, there are probably many, many factors for this, that have nothing at all to do with our faithful any of us are, or whether God favours some churches more than others. It’s probably got do with our ability to embrace change more than any perceived favouritism on God’s part. But what we must not do is let it divide us, because if we are divided, we are more likely to fall and to fail. And besides, there is a lot that bonds us together, much much more than what could break us apart.
Joseph’s brothers could have done well to have remembered that. That even though Joseph may have seemed more blessed than they were, there was still much more than joined them together. They were family. Some of them may have had different mothers, but they were joined in having the one father. They shared a common ancestry, they shared blood. They were, even if they didn’t want to see it at the time, one.
We’re like that in the church. For all our perceived differences in theology, scriptural interpretation and morality codes, we all share a common ancestry. We look to God as our Father, we look to Jesus as our saviour, we look to the Spirit as that which sanctifies and empowers us for our life and work in the world. We confess the Nicene Creed. And we seek to express our Christian faith in a way that is real for us, that says what we feel, and is authentic. Different ways of being church just don’t matter so much. Because when we get back to the basics of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we see that Jesus was actually against exclusive religious hierarchy. Jesus was about unity. Even Paul – what does he say in the reading this morning? – “For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; the same Lord is Lord of all and is generous to all who call on Him.” Says it all, doesn’t it. God is God for all of us who confess the Nicene Creed. It’s just human stuff that keeps us apart. And it is those brave souls whose prophetic words of unity attempt to bridge the divides that struggle to keep us together.
Because in the end, working together with our siblings is much more productive and life-giving than working against them. Setting aside the minor differences, and working together on growing the kingdom of God is so much more what God wants us to do. Being prophetic voices for extending a welcome to them is a step reminiscent of Joseph’s brothers Judah and Reuben, who whilst not actually convincing the brothers to not harm Joseph at all, at least managed to keep him alive, and in the long run, secure the future of God’s people, the nation of Israel. This is what we have to do to secure the future of the church of God, in whatever form it will take. Because the one thing about the church that doesn’t change, is, paradoxically, the fact that it does change. The Church has never been constant, it is dynamic, just as we are, just as our faith is, just as our God is. And just as there was a reason for Joseph to end up with Lordship over his brothers, to be in a position to save them, so it may be that there is a reason for one part of the church to be growing and one shrinking. Only God knows what will happen.
So, we are called to embrace others, seek to work with them, and try to at least set aside jealousy and envy. If we can do this, nothing will hold us back, and the hopes of all Christians will indeed be realised. God’s Kingdom here on earth.
The Lord be with you.